Search Directory

Search for suppliers of new, used or rental forklifts and related equipment, parts and services.

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What can you find in this directory?

This business directory covers the global materials handling industry. It lists manufacturers and suppliers of products and services related to the materials handling industry. From forklift and AGV manufacturers, to forklift and AGV distributors and dealers, as well as producers and suppliers of machinery attachments, parts, components, as well as providers of services such as training, safety advice and products, fleet management, sales and rental of forklifts, business and industry consultants.

Can I find local suppliers?

You can find local businesses by setting your country in the search form. You may find some international businesses listed in the search results, but only these that supply in your country.

How can I list my company?

If you are active in the forklift business or materials handling industry, then you should be listed in the Forkliftaction business directory. Click here to find your company listing.

For more information about featuring your company in this directory with complete contact details and a shopfront, contact us.


This business directory entries have been compiled through publicly available resources and/or member input. While all care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, ForkliftAction Media takes no responsibility for errors or omissions. To correct or cancel your company's business directory listing, contact us.

PREMIUM business

Shenzhen Wellwit Robotics Co., Ltd
The Largest AMR/AGV ODM/OEM Manufacturer in China.
Words of support …

After advertising with, we got many enquiries regarding interest to be our distributor. Mostly from Europe and USA but including a few in ASEAN. We feel that the advertisement was useful and good for market expansion.

Lawrence Xu, Assistant Sales Manager - Resonac Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.

Are you recruiting? Find your ideal candidate among a diverse range of materials handling professionals:

Forkliftaction's JOB MARKET

Upcoming industry events …
October 7-10, 2024 - Detroit, MI, United States
March 4 - 6, 2025 - Johannesburg, South Africa
May 9 - 11, 2025 - Bangalore, India
Upcoming industry events …
October 7-10, 2024 - Detroit, MI, United States
March 4 - 6, 2025 - Johannesburg, South Africa
May 9 - 11, 2025 - Bangalore, India

PREMIUM business

Shenzhen Wellwit Robotics Co., Ltd
The Largest AMR/AGV ODM/OEM Manufacturer in China.

Are you recruiting? Find your ideal candidate among a diverse range of materials handling professionals:

Forkliftaction's JOB MARKET

Upcoming industry events …
October 7-10, 2024 - Detroit, MI, United States
March 4 - 6, 2025 - Johannesburg, South Africa
May 9 - 11, 2025 - Bangalore, India

Showcased in the Virtual Expo

Words of support …

Undoubtedly, peer experience plays a crucially important role in our industry and it is extremely valuable for us to be part of the platform, where industry professionals, as well as end users can discuss and learn more about the materials handling world.

Alexandra Artemova, Marketing Specialist - Rocla AGV Solutions