When we speak about battery maintenance, diagnostics and regeneration, we find that this is somewhat of a complicated conversation for many people. If you want to analyse and maintain batteries properly and restore their capacity if necessary, then this consumes a lot of time and the answer is often: is this even possible? This takes up too much time and it is too labour-intensive? Don't we need specialised battery engineers for that...? Does this even work?Our answer is YES, the REPLUS technology is the most professional and easy-to-use piece of equipment available on today's market! Fast, accurate, efficient, practically effortless, provides fully detailed reports on the battery condition before and after + analysis of the battery down to cell level!
The Energic Plus battery regenerator is a proven technology we have sold in more than 50 countries and that is used by more than 500 customers.The
Energic Replus battery regenerator ensures a quick regeneration and expands the life span of the batteries significantly. This process is fully automatic and doesn't require any special attention since the entire process is temperature-controlled and fully monitored by software. After 30-40 hours the regenerator will have finished the entire operation which consists of 2 complete charge and discharge cycles specifically designed to desulphate your battery completely.
Battery regeneration is very popular. 80% of the batteries that break down and lose their capacity are sulphated, but these can be restored with the right equipment. If your battery is maintained properly, it can easily continue for another 2-3 years.
With minimum maintenance costs and only the highest quality components used during the production, the regenerator is an investment that only brings benefits for your business.
You will be able to analyse your batteries like you have never done before, no stone will be left unturned... If used in combination with our BMS technology the Replus regenerator will analyse your battery down to cell level, after which the recovery mode will start completely automatic and it will completely desulphate your battery. Once it is finished you can print out the fully detailed report on the battery condition before and after. Don't wait any longer, stop wasting valuable money and get the best out of your batteries with
Energic Plus®.
The application field includes every lead-acid-based battery that is commonly used in cars, forklifts, golf carts, reachtrucks, cleaning machinery and so on. From starter batteries to traction batteries, semi-traction batteries and high-power stationary batteries (UPS market).
An additional benefit is that you can either program the regenerator from a distance with your computer (by means of wireless communication) or you can program it on the machine itself. When the process is finished you can download the data to your pc. Within the local network you can even monitor the process via your smartphone so that you never lose time in manually checking the battery/equipment.
And we even go one step further: if you use the battery regenerator in combination with our BMS system, you can even detect bad cells in your battery bank! One sensor per cell tells us the voltage throughout the entire regeneration process so this will give us a unique view on the condition of each of the single cells. With the diagnostics software you can easily detect which cell is no longer functioning properly and causes the battery to run down early.
You might even have disposed of good working batteries, which could have been saved if the bad cell had been replaced.
So stop wasting time: as of now the
Energic Plus® product range makes battery diagnostics and restoration a piece of cake!
Also inspired? We gladly assemble the perfect battery maintenance package for your working environment. Contact us, send an email or have a look at our TVH Energic Plus® website: www.energicplus.com.