Bigger, Smarter, More Focused, Easy As - That's 'Q', Machinery-onQ. Launching July 6! |
The team behind Forkliftaction is proud to announce the launch of
Machinery-onQ, the latest innovation in machinery trading!
Launching July 6, Machinery-onQ will replace Forkliftaction's Marketplace to deliver a more specialised, effective and convenient trading platform crafted from years of feedback by users and advertisers.
Bigger, Smarter, More Focused, Easy As -That's QDevelopment of Machinery-onQ is driven by its core mission: delivering the ultimate trading platform that caters to the entire mobile equipment needs of its users through utilising the very latest technologies and opportunities. Machinery-onQ provides fleet managers, traders and users with one single place to source and sell all their machinery, new or used, exactly to requirements.
The result is 'Q',
Machinery-onQ, built to become the most effective online tool for modern machinery trading, anywhere in the world.
Available from July 6!Q is Bigger: A wide range of machinery.As a business manager the machinery you need to move materials through production or your products through the supply chain are not limited to forklifts. Your operations may require anything from aerial work platforms to pallet movers, from tow trucks to industrial sweepers. You may prefer a new model for demanding applications; or a used machine for the less intensive operations.
Machinery-onQ provides you with the one single place to source all your mobile machinery needs. You can search, find and sell new or used forklifts, warehouse equipment, container handlers, log handlers, aerial work platforms, port cranes, towing tractors, industrial sweepers and attachments.
Q is Smarter: Intelligent and Intuitive.Machinery-onQ has been developed with the latest technologies & coding practices, new functionalities and artificial intelligence all working together to enhance user experience and drive success.
Intelligent algorithms and smart designs help recognize and categorize machine models, sharpen the relevance of search results, shorten and improve communication lines between buyers and sellers, as well as track and report usage and results.
Q is More Targeted: Attuned to both global and local markets.In one of Machinery-onQ's most exciting enhancements, Q can target both global and local markets. Why cast a wider net than you need to?
Machinery-onQ will extend its universal features to smaller markets.
Expect more from Q! A set of regional versions of the platform and the introduction of languages other than English will make the platform work for both international and local business.
Q is Easy As: Accessible and fast for effortless tradingUncluttered, effortless and fast, Machinery-onQ is very accessible and is responsive to all types of mobile and computer devices. As a user you will find a platform that is easier to use, more dedicated and outstandingly effective.
More to come!It all starts on Thursday 6 July.
ForkliftAction Media will shift its equipment listings from the Marketplace to its new trading platform where thousands of machines will be available for sale and/or for rent.
Machinery-onQ is an ambitious project! We have many more features and additions already designed and planned for launch in the near future. Watch this space:
Machinery-onQ.com Visit www.machinery-onQ.com from Thursday 6 July. Try Machinery-onQ, it's on us:Contact us to receive your voucher for three free listings.
Machinery-onQP: +61 (0) 7 3369 9090
E: send an email
W: Machinery-onQ.comMachinery-onQ is a business platform by ForkliftAction media