Dirty tire treads? There´s an end of it!
The brand new Cleaning device ProfilGate® for forklift truck tires and lifting carts.It is a well known problem that tires of stacker and lifting carts pick up dirt and transport this dirt into clean areas. The first vehicle drops the dirt particles within the first 30 meters on its way into the building, the following vehicles pick this dirt up again and transport it even further into the production area.
Maschinenfabrik Heute From Solingen, Germany has been producing power-driven cleaning and disinfection devices for tires for many years now. The large-scale devices have the disadvantage that they are expensive and need massive constructional measures like e.g. a pit, drainage, power supply and so on. Over the last two years the provider developed a device, which cleans the tire treads on a mechanical basis by means of patented slanted brushes.
This so called cleaning grate by the name
ProfilGate® can be accessed afoot or passed with vehicles of up to 10 tons axle load. Due to the flat construction of only 45mm the grates can be installed any time to existing drive ways of production areas. While vehicles pass this device without any loss of time, their tires will be cleaned by the patented brushes.
The brushed off dirt is collected in bins under the grates. In order to clean the bins, the grates can be easily removed. Because the dirt falls through the grates it won´t be picked up again nor will it be transported further into the production areas by following vehicles!
The producer recommends 3 contacts of the tire treads with the brushes of the cleaning device. Then 90% of the transported dirt will be removed. A cleaning that is both: simple and efficent!
In the context of internationalization Heute is looking for distribution partners from all over the world.Further information:
Heute GmbH & Co.KG 42657 Solingen, Germany Tel +49 212 380310
Fax +49 212 818085