Hi Rodger,
Time flies, as a member of the forklift community my entire adult life I remember seeing FORKLIFTACTION for the first time and thinking this was a novel idea in a "niche" market. Of course the internet was very young then and I was a little skeptical as to whether it would work out for you or not. The internet gave you exposure to the entire world with your newsletter and exposure of small articles, data and advertising to all members of the forklift world-big and small, managers, sales people, parts people and service people---even end users.
Your weekly newsletter has been especially helpful to a smaller company like Keytroller because we were able to gain tremendous exposure for our many new products and ideas to a great deal of potential buyers that, without FORKLIFTACTION, would never have known about the variety of solutions we offer.
KEYTROLLER has definitely benefited by our investment in FORKLIFTACTION advertising. You personally have always treated us as a loyal customer and we have trusted your guidance and advice. I am sure your success will continue in the lift truck industry for many years to come.
Terry Wickman
Keytroller, LLC. - United States
Web: www.keytroller.com