Dear Mr. Lamb aka "Brumby",
Gee whiz Rodger, I'm trying to remember when it was that you contacted me about our U.S. Open Forklift Rodeo & Safety Expo. I believe it was just after the 2007 Rodeo and you asked about the possibility of ForkliftAction.Com being a sponsor of the event. Frankly, we were rather flattered and away we went!
It has been an awesome relationship ever since! You and ForkliftAction can take a great deal of satisfaction in the fact that the 2010 Rodeo was the best one yet! With the support of you and the ForkliftAction staff, we even became "international" with the presence of an outstanding team that came all the way from Lisboa, Portugal, along with numerous other teams from around the United States.
And all to achieve the goal of "conducting a fun, competitive event that promotes the safe & efficient operation of powered industrial trucks!"
ForkliftAction can take great satisfaction in knowing that somewhere, somehow you have undoubtedly saved lives by your consistent support in promoting forklift safety! One never knows when or where it happens because the operators you have helped save will always be known only to some higher being! To say nothing of what your acts do to help the individual, families, friends, employers & the industry; all your clients!
Again, my personal thanks and that of all of the Springfield/Clark County Safety Council, Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce, area businesses and forklift operators we congratulate you on your 10th Anniversary celebration. Happy Birthday!
"Big Bug"
Richard E. Higgins
U.S. Open Forklift Rodeo & Safety Expo (Forklift Training Systems, Inc.) - United States