Dear Mr. Patrick,
Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary!
We always look forward to receiving our newsletter. As it covers all of the global materials handling equipments industry, the information there is very precious for our business. Our main business is exporting used forklifts from Japan to global markets, and without your newsletter, we would struggle to get information on what the foreign manufacturers are doing and expecting for the future, as well as what local dealers are thinking about their own market. We always refer to the newsletter and have a management meeting to make a decision about our own long-term strategy.
We believe is in the position to be a bridge between all the manufacturers, dealers and users. A lot of new players are coming up and both "supply" and "demand" is changing. Your role is becoming more and more important for the members because the changes of the circumstances in forklift industry are more rapid and more dramatic than ever.
With best regards,
F. Uchiyama & Co., Ltd. - Japan