The seminar will provide solutions to deal with forklift and traffic management issues. |
The Australian Industry (Ai) Group is hosting a seminar to provide solutions to deal with forklift and traffic management issues on 16 February in Melbourne.
According to WorkSafe Victoria, three people are seriously injured by forklifts every week in Victorian workplaces, with many incidents due to a lack of separation between forklifts and workers.
The seminar will provide practical information on how an effective forklift and traffic management program can control and safeguard these hazards before they turn into injuries.
A range of speakers will cover topics such as legal issues, management issues, risk assessment policies, employee competency and training.
Practical technology solutions associated with the management of forklifts will also be provided by forklift provider Adaptalift Hyster, which will provide an overview of solutions such as driver verification controls, impact sensing and interlock systems, diagnostics, over-speed management and reporting tools as risk controls to improve the management of forklifts in the workplace.