Cat, Adobe provide 80 forklifts for Houston event News Story - 17 Mar 2011 ( #505 ) - Houston, TX, United States 1 min read Cat Lift Trucks and its Adobe Equipment Houston LLC dealership are ending a three-week run providing more than 80 forklift trucks for use at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. In a typical year, the high-profile charitable event has more than 2.1 million visitors.Cat models 2P3000-2P7000, P8000-P12000, DP70E and P17000-P36000 are being used exclusively throughout the 260-acre Reliant Park in Houston to keep the show moving. Tasks include setting-up the stage equipment for nightly performances, moving animal feed, hay and food supplies, and delivering visitor guides.Technicians from Adobe remain onsite around the clock to service and support the Cat forklifts."Cat Lift Trucks is proud to once again serve as the official lift truck provider" for the 2011 livestock show and rodeo occurring 1-20 March, says Jeff Rufener, vice president of marketing for Cat Lift Trucks.In addition, the Cat organisation sponsored a youth night with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organisation in greater Houston. Cat Lift Trucks invited 25 "Big" and "Little" pairs to a night at the rodeo and a Selena Gomez concert on 6 March.The Cat Lift Trucks scholarship program in its seventh year awarded USD5,000 scholarships to two high school seniors pursuing higher education in a mechanical engineering or business-related field. Cat Lift Trucks announced the winners on its Facebook page on 21 February.Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America Inc of Houston manufactures and distributes Cat forklifts in the US, Mexico, Canada and Latin America.The livestock show and rodeo benefits youth through supporting education and facilitating better agricultural practices. Since its beginning in 1932, the event has contributed more than USD265 million to scholarships, research, endowments, calf scrambles, junior show exhibitions, the Rodeo Institute for Teacher Excellence and school art programs.